
Lily changes her mind

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This is just a piece I wrote, I wondered what made lily change her mind about James from Harry potter. So I just put myself in her shoes, and wondered what would happen to make me change my mind I wrote this in her point of view, because I find that the easiest and the best way to write. I hope you guys like it.…..

Deciding to skip out on dinner, I made my way to the Gryffindor common room. My hair was a mess, so was my makeup, my back was killing me, earlier today my wand snapped because I had to have a stupid moment and place my books on top of it in my bag, and I had a lot of homework.
Mumbling the password to the fat lady in the portrait,  I entered the large, red,  warm ruby glow room. Just as I expected, it was empty, thank god too. I felt like I was being kept underwater for hours, holding my breath, when I crashed on the couch sighing as I closed my eyes, it felt like I was finally breathing again.
"What up Evans?" I heard a voice.  Opening my eyes as I sat up in a jolt, I looked to see James Potter sitting on the couch opposite me. His  jet black hair was tousled, like he had run his hand through it a million times. I instantly felt angry, I hated it when he did that, he thinks it attracts girls, which it does but still. he does it way way to much. a pencil was on his ear, he had a pile of paper next, his transfiguration text book in his left hand, wand in the other.
"How long have you been here?" I asked him sighing, how did he suddenly appear out of thin air? he's so annoying. i'm having a hard day as it is i don't need him here pestering me.
"I've been here since last period, it was a free period for me." He explained. I frowned at him confused.
"That's weird, I didn't see you. You sure?"
"I'm pretty sure Evans." He said laughing making me blush. I really didn't like James, he has such a fat head, I'm surprised he managed to get it through the door of the common room, not to mention he's so  mean and rude, the kind of guy that just drives you crazy where only screaming can express how you feel. But I was too tired to let him get on my nerves. I got up and picked up my bag, as soon as I did though, I heard a rip. I closed my eyes in frustration as the sound echoed in my ears.
"Oh, god, please tell me that my bag didn't rip." I muttered, James started to laugh hard, so obviously it ripped. I sighed about to bend down to start picking up my books, but stopped short.  I found him picking up my books as he laughed which caught me completely by surprise. Shaking my head to focus, I bent down to help him too.
"I  can see  you're having a good day huh Lily?" He asked sarcastically. I would've replied except once again I was caught of guard, it was the first time I'd heard him calling me by my first name.
"You guessed right." I muttered.
"May I ask why?" he said as he got the last of my books. I picked up my broken wand, which had clattered to the floor, and showed it to him. "How'd that happen?" he asked me. He was trying hard not to laugh, I could tell by the look on his face.
"I was packing my bag but I was in a rush so I just put everything randomly, unfortunately randomly means my wand first then my books." I explained, he flinched slightly, I guess, at the thought of what happened next.  
"Didn't your mother ever teach you to always put your wand in your pocket?" He asked amused all of the sudden.
"No, I come from a muggle family, and the first thing you're taught is not to talk to strangers." I said looking at him. For some reason we were still crouched down.
"Well now you know. What are you going to do?" he asked me.
"Get a new one, what else?" I asked him. He nodded and handed me my books. I tried carrying them all and getting up but as soon as I did they all fell again.
"Fantastic." I mumbled. Just then James whipped out his want and levitated them. This also caught me by surprise because it was a good idea, and he came up with it...I'm suddenly scared.
"Come on then." He said, nodding his head in the direction of the girls dormitory. "I'll help you put these away." He added, I followed him. I didn't know how he would but I soon found out.   
"Right, promise me that you won't tell anyone the password." I said in a begging tone. If only my wand didn't break I would've threatened him if he said no. He shot the books across the room and onto my bed, where I just walked in and put them there. He didn't follow me but stood there in the doorway looking straight at me. I didn't know if he was being a gentlemen and not going into a girls bedroom or if it was just the spell that blocked boys from coming in.
"I promise." He said. Usually I wouldn't have believed him but his tone was different than usual, it was warm, safe, determined, made you feel like you could trust him. Which was weird, I noted to myself to erase his memory as soon as I got a new wand. There was a moment of silence where we just stared at each other where I realized that he was being really nice, really tolerable, for once I didn't want to stupefy him and chuck him out the window...don't know why he was, but it was scaring me...even though it was refreshing.
"Alright, I better go." He said breaking the silence. I suddenly remembered why I skipped out on dinner. I nodded, he turned and left as I went to shut the door.
When I finished freshening up, I came back down with some of my homework to find the common room still empty. I looked at the watch I got for my birthday, it was fifteen minutes since dinner started, but it seemed like much more time had passed.  I found James still sitting  with his transfiguration book and papers everywhere. I joined him on the opposite couch. After about ten minutes of focusing for me  the silence was broken again.
"Lily, did you understand today's transfiguration lesson?" he asked me, grabbing my attention. I nodded. "Can you explain it to me?" he asked.  Grabbing my things and coming over to him. Normally I would've said no, but after the way he helped me, I figured it was the least I could do. And even if he didn't, I'd eventually feel bad for not helping someone.  
"Basically we just learned how to change someone or something into another object but mixed with something else along with how to lock the spell." I started to explain the lesson.
"What do you mean?" he asked frowning.
"Let's say that I turned you into a cow and a bird-"
"A cow really? That's what I get to be?"
"Fine, a pig and a duck," I said, "so-"
"Why do you get to change me?" he asked.
"Because unlike you I know the spell." I said in an annoyed voice, "Are you going to keep interrupting me?" I asked him still annoyed.
"Sorry, go on." He said, turning red a little bit. I was surprised to notice that that he looked really cute when he blushed...I was even more surprised to realize I just thought brain is going crazy, I really need a vacation.  
"Alright, I want to change you into a duck and a pig-"
"Just one more thing," he said hesitantly. I looked at him, one of my eyebrows raised, waiting. "If you're going to change me, can I be changed into something cool?" he asks.
"You interrupted me for that? Fine, let's just say for arguments sake that I said yes. What do you have in mind."
"I was thinking a lion and a dragon." He said admiringly.
"You'll take what I give you." I replied.
He sighed in response, I guess he figured that there's no use fighting me. "Yes ma'am." He replied. After that I explained to him the lesson and he got it straight away, which was also shocking. I actually thought he was as thick headed as a brick. As he practiced the spell and filled out the questions from our textbooks on a piece of parchment I started to massage my back, the pain was getting worse.
"Thanks Evans." He said, closing his book and gathering his notes. He noticed me wincing when I reached a tender spot. "What's the matter." He asked frowning.
"Oh, nothing really, just my back hurts from my book bag." I replied.  He looked at me with his hazel eyes, I stared back, feeling a little freaked. He was constantly staring at me and he was being nice...this has got to be some sort of prank he and his idiot friends, not including Remus, were pulling.  with the staring still going it  was getting really awkward. "Do you think that Dinner is still going on?" I asked him, just to break the silence, though as I did I realized I was feeling a little hungry. My stomach growled. Okay super hungry. What perfect timing. He laughed a little.
"Hold on I've got just the thing." He said and disappeared to the boys dormitory. He came back about a minute later with a bag that said Sondra's Smearville's and sat back down next to me.
"What is that?" I asked him taking the bag and looking at it. It was blue with a woman that had mad  scientist hair and a cauldron was right in front of her. Inside were little ovals in different smudged colors.
"They're like packed meals but shrunk. You pour some water on to them and they go back to their normal size. What do you feel like having?" he asked me.
"Chicken soup would be nice." I said. He took out two  brownish white ovals.
"Tollisero." A spout of water shot out of his wand and onto the little ovals. I couldn't believe my eyes when they  both  grew and grew until they were the size of actual chicken soup in bowl with a spoon. That is AWESOME!
"Bon Appetite." He said to me.  We both picked up our food and started eating. I must've been dreaming because I never met this James Potter. I knew the mean one with a fat head. Once we finished we put the bowls onto the table and they automatically disappeared.
"Thanks James." I said looking at him. He smiled back. Just then the common room door flew open and people started filing in. People settled on the couches, some went upstairs to their dormitory, I'm happy to say that no one noticed James and me, thank god. Everyone in school knew how much I hated him, and for us to be on the same couch would cause a lot of drama and gossip not that I hate them both, I DISPISE them. They're hurtful, and mean, cruel, they're the cause of problems in the world.
I looked at my watch, we still had an hour until curfew. I spotted my best friend Jenna, her blue eyes widened when she spotted me and James this close to each other. I grabbed my things quickly.
"See you." I said. I left before he could say anything. I didn't know where my legs were carrying me but I ended up in the dormitory, honestly that's really stupid since Jenna would just find me. I took a deep breath and started to think, what could I tell her that would keep her from suspecting anything. There wasn't really anything to suspect though. I mean, he just helped me with my books and I just helped him with his homework...then we were both hungry and we ate. No big deal. Yes he was being extremely nice, and yes I admit there was a little part of me that was thinking wow he is actually gorgeous.but that's nothing. Then it hit me, how could I be so stupid? He was being nice so I could help him, it was all an act.
Just then the door opened burst opened, I turned to find Jenna, her eyes shining.
"Either my parents were right and I need glasses or I saw you and Potter an inch away from kissing."
"Jenna, I can explain."
"Hold on, I want to make some popcorn first." She said as she dashed to her bed, a minute later and a wave of a wand later, we were sitting on my bed and I was telling her everything. the scent of butter popcorn in the air. i liked it though, it reminded me of our girl nights, we'd have fun so it was a soothing scent. either way, i explained everything as she chomped away, consuming the popcorn. it was really funny, you'd think she's in a really amazing movie and absorbed in it too but we're just sitting in our bedroom. When I got to the part with the chicken soup she screamed.
"Wow, Jenna what was that?" I asked her rubbing my ear.
"That's so romantic! He made you dinner!"
"He didn't. It was in this little bag thing, all he did was spray water on it and it grew. It's like microwaving  a TV dinner. No big." I replied in a casual tone.
"It's the gesture that counts lils." She answered annoyed, rolling her eyes at me.
"I told you, he was doing it so I could help him with transfiguration."
"Lily, you two ate after you helped him, he could've gone back to being a giant dragon ass or he could've just left to go off with lupin, or black but he stayed with you." She explained like it was the most obvious thing in the world. I didn't really think about it like that but I wasn't going to let her  win.
"Dude, people just barged in and everyone knows that we hate each other, so it's not like he had time to run off anyway." I replied.
"Fine be that way, take the romance out of everything why don't you!" she said as she got up, flinging popcorn at me before she went to wash her hands. "I bet you, you two are going to end up together and  have a son called, oh I don't know, Parry and on your wedding night as a toast I will say 'I told you so!" She called loudly from the bathroom. As soon as she said that an image of me, came into my head. I was in a house, holding a baby with blue eyes, I couldn't tell if it was  a boy or girl.
All of the sudden a man came from behind me and put his arms around my waist. He started kiss my neck gently and I could feel it tingling. I put the baby in his cot as he had fallen asleep in my arms and turned toward the man and wrapped my arms around him. Believe it or not it was James and he was looking really good. Just when we were about to kiss, I shook my head removing the movie from my head. I could still feel my neck tingling. I hated it when I got images in my head like that, or in this case a movie.
"Lily, are you okay?"
"Yeah I'm fine. And for the record you're not giving a toast at my wedding. Lord knows what embarrassing story you'll whip up." I replied.
"You got one of your blank stares in your eyes. Oh my gosh did you just have one of your movie thingies?"
"No I didn't." I said turning red. I started to put my books away keeping my head down so she wouldn't notice that I was blushing. She  looked down at me, I turned my head away quickly.
"It was about you and Potter wasn't it?!" she exclaimed excitedly. I just ignored her, hoping she would drop it if I shushed. It usually works because if you don't reply then the person you are arguing or talking with won't have anything to reply to, but she  wouldn't drop it. "Like I said, together and then a son named Parry."
"Okay, what kind of name is Parry?" I asked her getting annoyed. "Jenna, please drop it, I just helped him and he just helped me, nothing else, yes he was being nice but just so I could help him that's it, he's still the giant ass head that  gave the toadstool pumpkin juice in herbology and caused it to  throw up all over everyone. People like him just don't change." I exclaimed at her.
"Hey, you never know. Miracles can happen. And you don't have to scream." Jenna said, and with that she left the room. After a minute I didn't want to be in here either. I went down to the common room, but I couldn't stand being in there either, so I decided to leave. As I made my way to the common room  door I heard someone calling my name. I turned around to find Potter.
"What do you want now?" I asked annoyed and angry, it was his fault that the whole thing with Jenna upstairs happened.
"Nothing, just wondering where you're going."
"None of your business." I snapped. He looked hurt. I sighed. "Sorry, just I got into a fight with  Jenna and I need some air." I told him.
"Well, curfew is in five minutes." He said looking at his watch.
"Yay, just my luck!" I said, turning I headed back inside the common room.
"Where you going now?"
"Back to the dormitory." I replied in a it's obvious tone.
"I thought you said you were going to get some air."
"Potter, you have one thick head, I can't leave now curfew is in five minutes, you said so yourself-"
"I said it's in five minutes not that you can't leave." He replied. I frowned.
"What do you mean?" I asked him in confusion. He gave me a devilish smile.
"Let's just say I've got a few tricks up my sleeve." He said in a mysterious voice, winking at me. I had no idea what he was on about but my curiosity got the best of me and I asked him.
Turned out he had an invisibility cloak that he used to sneak out all the time. At first I didn't believe him but when he pulled it out from under his uniform, put it on and disappeared I was baffled. He then suggested that we meet in the commons at eleven and we would both sneak off together. At first I didn't want to, I'm not a rebel or a daredevil I don't take risks like that, I have a fantastic reputation here. But when I looked into his hazel eyes I gave in. Plus to be honest I wanted to see what it was like being invisible and a rebel....what can i say I'm a curious person?
We met at eleven thirty, I was wearing my black tights and a jumper. He wore black trousers and a grey jumper. I didn't expect anyone but Potter, so you could tell I was pretty confused and annoyed when I found Remus and Sirius standing with him.
"Ready Evans?"
"James what are they doing here?" I asked him in confusion and annoyance.
"Someone had to make sure that you didn't beat him up Evans." replied Sirius.
"Please, she can't beat me up." James replied to Sirius. I raised my eyebrow at him.
"Yes she can James." Remus replied making us but James laugh. "Besides, I'm a prefect, if I go with you then I wouldn't have to tell on you, however if I don't, and I know that you snuck out past curfew, it's my duty to rat you out." Remus said.
"You wouldn't dare rat on your best friend." I answered.
"And how do you know that?" he asked me in a questioning tone.
"Evans, if we get caught, Remus could just pretend that he's escorting us back to the common room." Sirius said. "Plus we're a package deal, you want James you get us too. We're a bonus." He said, putting his arm around Remus.
"Fine." I replied, realizing that we're just wasting time.  
"I don't know if this is a good idea anymore." I turned to James.
"Come on you're not going to back out now are you? A little bit of rebelling and rule breaking is good for you, healthy even." He told me. I hesitated. "Come on, you chicken?" he asked the still hesitant me. Finally we're getting back to the old James. But I wasn't going to let him call me a chicken.
"Fine, I'll do it, but if we get caught-"
"We'll blame it on you. Now come on." Sirius said. He put the cloak on me and went under it himself, then Remus came in, then James joined. We were pretty squished together.
When we finally exited the Gryffindor common room James asked me where I wanted to go.
"Why does she get to decide James?"
"Because I'm a girl, and it's my first time." I replied.
"You sure you're a girl?" Sirius asked me. I punched him in the shoulder.
"Sirius be nice, she could really kill us." Remus spoke.
As for James, I told him anywhere which was a huge mistake since he started taking the lead and I had no idea where he was leading us. The school was so quiet. It was actually kind of creepy, cool but creepy.  You could hear a lot of the portraits snoring or talking in their sleep but it was a very faint sound, along with that the tapping of our shoes against the smooth floor. I noticed that James led us to a part of the castle that I didn't know about.
"Where are we going?"
"You'll see." He said.
"Where are we?" I asked him.
"We are where we are, how can you not know where we are? If we were where we are not then you should ask that question but we are where we are." Sirius replied. I was seriously annoyed so I stepped on it foot. "Ouch!" he yelled.
"Sorry, accident." I replied in an innocent voice. I didn't notice that we stopped and took of the cloak, or that we were outside on the school grounds until the wind greeted my face. "How'd we get here? We didn't even exit the through the door." I asked astounded.
"Secret Evans, secret." James replied moving his eyebrows up and down,  smiling mischievously. We settled onto the grass. "So, how come you needed to get some air?" James asked me.
"That's not required for you to know."
"Oh come on now, we brought you out here, took a risk, you at least owe us that." Remus said. I thought about it, and then I had an epiphany.
"Fine, I'll tell you why, if you explain to me why you're being so nice." I turned to James. He looked shocked.
"Aren't I always nice?" he asked me in a hurt tone. I raised my left eyebrow at him. He laughed lightly. "Okay, well, it started on my birthday back home. I couldn't spend the summer with Remus, Sirius or any of my friends here because they were all on vacation. So my mum gave me some money and told me to buy a gift, I went to Hogsmade and ran into some kids from school, but they didn't want to hang with me. So I just shrugged it off, though I was a little bit hurt. Then I ran into some other kids in school. They knew it was my birthday and as a treat they hung out with me but only to make a fool of me. In the end they shoved ice cream in my face and snapped my wand. The entire place was laughing at me. It felt horrid, embarrassing and I thought that what they did to me, I was doing to others and I realized what a jerk I had been. The world's bad enough as it is, we don't need jerks like me so I decided from that point to change. I just wish that what happened didn't happen to make me realize that." As he told me the story he was looking beyond the trees, the mountains, beyond the school grounds entirely, like he was recalling it back. When he finished he met my eyes.
"Wow, I'm sorry that happened. And on your birthday." I said my tone full of sympathy.
"I deserved it." He said shrugging, "I just hope people would give me a second chance. You're one of the few who are." He said.
"How do you know I'm giving you a second chance?" I asked him. He looked at me surprised.
"Aren't you?"
"Well I don't know. Let's find out." I replied.
"If you weren't you wouldn't be out here tonight, or would you have helped me with transfiguration. And even if you were just being nice with the transfiguration, if you didn't give me a second chance then you wouldn't have eaten with me or come here tonight so I'm guessing you are." He replied.
"I'm wasn't giving  you a second chance to be honest. The only reason I'm out here is because I was curious as to what it's like to break the rules. But then I thought about it while everyone was asleep, and wondered why you were being so decent, don't get me wrong I like it... but I thought that something must've happened. And now that I've heard your story it's only confirmed that I was right. So I decided to give you a second chance. " I said smiling at him.
  "Thanks Evans, I mean Lily." He said smiling at me. His smile made me melt. Oops, forget I said that. I turned to Remus and Sirius realizing that they hadn't spoken.
"And what about you guys? Anything have to happen to change you?" I asked them.
"Nope, because no matter what happens we're not going to change." Sirius replied.
"So you're always going to be immature, cow dung brains?" I asked him.
"Ouch, I wouldn't call us that."
"Then what would you call yourselves? Stupid, idiotic, cruel? I'm good with all that."
"More like fun, independent, cool and gorgeous men." Remus replied. I laughed.
"What? What's so funny?" Sirius asked. I shook my head still laughing.   
"So anyway you're turn."  Remus said as he lied down on the grass. I lay next to him as everyone joined and began to tell my story. They laughed when I told him about the conversation me and Jenna had.
"Well, let's just get one thing straight, we're barley friends right?" James asked me when I was done. I nodded.
"Then you have nothing to worry about." Sirius said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
" Unless you do like me." James added questioningly. I blushed a bit.
"Even if I did like you, which I don't, I wouldn't tell you unless I'm certain that you like me back." I said. A cool breeze blew and I put my hood up.
"Alright, fair enough. My advice to you is just forget about it, no offence but it's a really stupid fight."
"Yeah, girls! why are you guys such drama queens?" Sirius asked in an annoyed tone.
"Why do guys have no sensitive or romantic bone in their bodies?" I asked him.
"Hey, we are completely sensitive we just-"
"What Sirius is trying to say is that it's just drama and you should forget about it, some girls like Jenna like to create drama, others like you don't. Some girls ,also like Jenna, are extremely sensitive where you're strong.
"You think I'm strong?"
"Yeah," he said, "makes you completely terrifying to be honest." I laughed a little at that.
I'm only terrifying when I have to be. Which is when people are getting picked on." I replied. I frowned as a sudden realization hit me. "Which you guys haven't been doing lately. Why?"
"Well, it's like James said the world's cruel enough as it is, and it's like you said it was immature, nasty, idiotic." Sirius explained.
"Then why'd you say you weren't going to change?"
"We were joking Evans." Remus replied. I blushed a little embarrassed I couldn't tell.
"I knew that, I was just making sure."
"Sure you did." Remus replied in a sarcastic tone.
"Hey, you guys want to play a game of Wizzos?" James asked sitting up.
"What's Wizzos?" I asked confused.   
"You've never played Wizzos?" Sirius asked shocked. I shook my head. "Then you have not lived!" he said. James took out a packet of what looked like ordinary cards.
"You guys need to play cards to live?" I asked them. "You guys really know how to start a party." i added sarcastically.
"It's the way we play it that makes it fun." Remus said. We sat in a circle and began the game. I have to admit it was pretty fun. There were fifty four cars, like in a normal deck. However each player only gets one card, and on this one card is a kingdom, what you have to do is you have to rule this kingdom but try to invade the other player's kingdom, usually you use strategy, but the way James, Remus and Sirius play it is we cause a tide on the kingdom, a hurricane or earthquake, or a giant farting bag. As a bonus whatever you set on the player will happen to them, so if I sent a giant fart bag to Sirius's kingdom he will actually have a giant bag fart on him and he'll smell like it too. It's also a difficult game because you have to rebuild your kingdom constantly. Whoever gets their kingdom knocked down first is the loser and the players attack him with whatever they've got left in the game and in real life, but nothing that could get us killed of course. To my surprise and their surprise too, I didn't do that bad, I actually won second, but Remus was the winner. James was the loser. Sirius had James bitten by a dog, Remus drenched him with water, but I felt bad so I didn't want to do anything.
"Come on Evans. Think of all the time you've got mad at him." Remus encouraged. James frowned at him.
"Who's side are you on?" he asked in a betrayed and annoyed tone. I laughed and thought heck this might be the only time I'll ever get a chance to ever have revenge. So I used his wand to levitate him and dunk him in the great lake on the school grounds then push him into a mud puddle, and at last dunk him again. Everyone was rolling on the floor laughing as James sputtered mud out. "Thanks lily." He said in a sarcastic tone.
"Lucky I cleaned you off instead of leaving you all muddy." I replied smiling at him as I shrugged.
"Yeah," he said coughing, "lucky me." When a little fish thing came out from his jumper pocket it only made us laugh harder.
"Shush you guys, we're going to get caught." James warned us.
"Oh come on, you'd be laughing too if it was one of us." Remus said.  
"You know lily you seem to be getting tired, maybe we should head back." James started his tone full of concern.
"No, no I'm okay."  I told him. I didn't want to return because I had to admit, I was having a good time, and I realized that that maybe they weren't so bad after all. An idea struck me.
"What does it feel like? To be on a broom?" I asked him.
"Flying is really amazing, the wind in your face blowing through your hair, the exhilaration, the speed all the fun loops you can do. Have you ever ridden one before?" he asked me surprised.
"Actually no I haven't, but I want to. Have you ever ridden a horse before?" I asked him.
"Nope, what's that like?"
"Like flying a broom."
"Horses don't fly though do they?" he asked me a little confused.
"When they jump they do. It's very cool. But the best part is being able to connect with your horse, it's like you've become one and you're working together. You know what I mean?"
"Where are we going?" I asked him when he started to walk away after i finished.
"We're going to show you how to fly a broom." Remus explained as he and Sirius followed James.  
An hour later, my heart was still beating fast and I couldn't wipe the smile of my face. Flying the broom was ten times better than riding a horse, and way better than the way James described it. My favorite part was when they started throwing me to each other and catching me. Terrifying, but mostly fun. When they let me try out on my own and I got the hang of it, we played a little game of quidditch. I decided that if I could, I'll try out for the team.
"What do you think?" James asked me, as he put his broom back in the store room where they kept all the quidditch equipment.
"That's fantastic. Can we do that again?" I asked him.
"Sure, tomorrow though, after quidditch practice if you want."
"Yes, James that would be terrific thank you."  I gave him an enthusiastic hug. He felt really nice, and smelled really awesome.
"You're welcome," he said as he rubbed my back. I blushed, his touch was warm, and spreading electricity through my body.  
"You know Evans, you're not that bad." Sirius said.
"Thanks, and I have to admit, I had fun tonight." I said nodding my head in approval.
"Does that mean we get hugs too?" Remus asked opening his arms. I rolled my eyes but gave them each one either way. James grabbed the cloak and put it around all of us and with that we headed back to the school before anyone would wake up and notice we were gone. Maybe Jenna was right, maybe miracles can happen, don't get me wrong, I still wasn't sure about them, but hey you never know.
Hey everyone, so this is my first piece that i submitted on DA, i'm really looking forward to your comments and please be honest with me since it could help me improve my writing. I really hope you guys like it and hopefully you will, and if you do I'll submit more writing. :):)

[link] - chapter 2

(c) J. Rowling
© 2011 - 2024 dinah-demetria
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allysbuddy's avatar
That was awesome, I believe girls and guys can be friends as I am most friends with guys but some of them ended in possible relationships. :3